Instagram Pics!

Kacy's Instagram

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

This and That

A little of this. A little of that. Nothing co-hesive or pre-meditated. Just felt like posting a few of these pics I took with my phone (usually to capture a moment to show Dad at the end of the day).

Linden is really coming into her little personality these days and it's SO much fun to see and discover. Here she is chilling outside on our patio. She decided she wanted to be outside, put on her glasses, grabbed a blanket and pillow and proceeded to... "chill."

L couch

Then there are the outfits. Oh my, does this girl L-O-V-E playing dress up. She takes a very active role in getting dressed every morning. She loves shopping for clothes and observing and commenting on other people's clothes (thankfully she's very complimentary so far). Almost every time I put on a skirt or a dress she tells me "Oh Mommy, you're a beautiful princess!" She is constantly dressing her baby dolls, and even tries to dress Otto from time to time. We have a girly girl on our hands. It's official.

L dressup
The latest look for the season... princess top, tutu skirt and large red flower clip. Magnifique.

L necklace
And the pink ensemble (she will tell you all day long that PINK is her favorite.) Pink pearls are always appropriate... for staying in, and going out.

Until next season....

Monday, April 4, 2011

Life's a Beach!

With all the great weather we experienced last week, Kacy and Linden got to spend a few days soaking in the sun at the beach!

Here's a picture of Linden and her buddy Logan determining who will carry the bucket once it's filled up...

(Thanks to Logan's mom Jess, for her mad iPhone photographic skills.)